Sunday, January 18, 2009

My teaching experience

I have to admit that teaching was a fascinating mystery for me. Before my first lesson I was both terrified and excited. I had a lot of thoughts in my mind. First, I was afraid if I manage to maintain discipline in the classroom. My second serious concern was whether I cope with keeping students interested and involved in the lesson. My friends and some of my family members were making jokes that the students will dominate the lesson and that I wouldn’t manage to conduct a lesson especially in the senior classes of Technikum Samochodowe because the students of these classes were mainly nineteen-years-old boys. My relatives couldn’t imagine myself standing in the front of fifteen boys and making them to listen to me. The reason for my relatives’ jokes was mainly because I make impression of being shy, silent and gentle. Fortunately, their as well as mine concerns turned out to be unnecessary.

During my first lesson, which I conducted in the forth class of Technikum Samochodowe, I did manage to maintain discipline and conduct the whole lesson. Much to my surprise, students were actually interested and involved in the lesson. However, not every lesson went so smoothly.

When I started teaching at Junior High School I was fearful. Students were rebellious the didn’t pay attention to what the teacher was saying as well as they weren’t following teachers instructions. The worst classes in Junior High were the senior classes. Unfortunately, the first lesson that I was to conduct in Junior High was the lesson with the class 3g. I was petrified as I heard about having lesson with this class. Before the lesson I decided to make impression to be strict, demanding as well as easy-going because I knew from my learning experience that students always respect and obey such teachers. Surprisingly, my strategy was successful. At the beginning of the lesson some of the students were testing my patience. As soon as they realized that I didn’t let them spoil the lesson and that there will be consequences for misbehavior most of the students gave up and focus. Of course the students sometimes became distracted however, that was normal short-term lost of concentration that happens during every lesson. The students were fascinated by the fact that I was talking in English all the time. Their teacher wasn’t talking as much in English as I did. When the lesson finished the students who misbehaved at the beginning of the lesson turned out to like the lesson the most and they asked me when I was going to have next class with them. Apart from the above mentioned, positive memories I have also some unpleasant experience. I will remember my first lesson with class 3h for the rest of my life. Some of the students were rude, vulgar and rebellious. They weren’t following my requests not to mention ignoring what I was saying. Any of my punishments was successful for longer time. There was some time during the lesson when they calmed down but it was only a short break. Despite the difficulties, I managed somehow to finish the lesson. However, I know the lesson wasn’t successful. The students who were trying to learn something didn’t have adequate conditions to focus.

The most pleasant memories that I gained during my teacher practice are the ones that I acquired when I was teaching pupils in primary school. Little students are very grateful for being taught and they have a lot of enthusiasm for learning. I think that maybe in the future I would like to teach children.

1 comment:

AgataL said...

Good to see you back on the blog :)
I can imagine how tough it must have been for you at junior high - you do seem a bit shy and vulnerable. But you handled them really well, it seems. You can see on other blogs that everybody is a bit panicky about classes with those wild kids, and I would be too. Anyway, well done! :)